Immersed Wideband Nonpolarizing Beamsplitter |
This coating is immersed in glass (index 1.52) and light is incident at 45 degrees.
As shown below, it divides the incident light so that the reflectance (and transmittance)
of the S and P polarizations are between 45% and 55% for wavelengths from
420 nm to 680 nm -- a very wide bandwidth for this type of coating.
Here is the design, with the first layer closest to the second glass and thickness given in nm: H 23.08 L 45.76 M 60.64 H 17.81 L 39.04 H 25.02 M 73.64 H 12.65 L 16.00 H 37.34 M 73.42 H 54.11 M 70.54 H 52.27 M 70.68 H 36.88 L 57.77 M 66.46 L 53.10 H 40.07 M 74.46 H 55.48 M 73.49 H 39.43 L 25.81 H 6.69 M 71.86 H 41.79 M 16.56 L 6.29 H 46.20 M 64.65 H 14.75 L 19.54 H 29.31 M 73.13 H 58.23 M 81.05 H 31.51 L 33.30 H 20.84 M 87.30 H 17.08 L 10.55 H 47.58 M 89.22 H 50.65 L 43.72 M 71.18 L 57.69 H 45.85 M 81.51 H 52.09 L 21.26 H 9.86 M 98.50 H 19.81 L 33.57 H 35.44 M 87.13 H 57.45 L 33.96 M 103.64 L 28.17 H 53.02 L 38.64 M 87.61 L 33.93 H 50.20 L 33.48 M 90.45 L 33.73 H 54.17 L 31.39 M 93.36 L 38.94 H 54.81 L 18.84 M 92.27 H 14.65 L 40.94 H 53.03 L 15.54 M 115.66 L 40.12 H 38.40 L 34.52 M 123.00 L 25.44 H 55.94 L 40.76 M 85.88 L 72.40 H 38.66 L 58.32 H 12.48 M 33.23 |
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