
Primes at which maximums occur in the Erdos-Straus conjecture graph (see S000341).

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 19, 23, 47, 71, 167, 191, 239, 359, 479, 719, 839, 1319, 1439, 2399, 2879, 3119, 3359, 5039, 6719



Observe that for each of these primes p, p+1 is a number with small factors. For example 167+1 = 2^3 * 3 * 7. See S000343 for the maximum values.

T. D. Noe, Plot of 24 terms

Eric W. Weisstein, MathWorld: Erdős-Straus Conjecture

(Mma) Needs["`Egypt`”]; nn = 1000; t = Join[{0, 1}, Table[Length[EgyptianFraction[4/n, Method -> Lexicographic, MaxTerms -> 3, MinTerms -> 3, Duplicates -> Disallow, OutputFormat -> Plain]], {n, Prime[Range[3, nn]]}]]; t2 = {{2, 0}}; Do[If[t[[n]] > t2[[-1, 2]], AppendTo[t2, {Prime[n], t[[n]]}]], {n, 2, nn}]; Transpose[t2][[1]]

Cf. S000341, S000343.


T. D. Noe, Nov 14 2014

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