Primitive Pythagorean triples in which the two legs and the hypotenuse are palindromes in base 9, shown in base 10.
3, 4, 5, 60, 91, 109, 359160, 624439, 720361
See S000580 for the palindromes.
T. D. Noe, Plot of 3 triples
John Rafael M. Antalan and Richard P. Tagle, Numeric palindromes in primitive and non-primitive Pythagorean triples, 1502.06760 (Feb 24 2015)
Eric W. Weisstein, MathWorld: Pythagorean Triple
(Mma) PerfectSquareQ[n_] := JacobiSymbol[n, 13] =!= -1 && JacobiSymbol[n, 19] =!= -1 && JacobiSymbol[n, 17] =!= -1 && JacobiSymbol[n, 23] =!= -1 && IntegerQ[Sqrt[n]]; base = 9; nn = base^4 - 1; pal = Table[s = IntegerDigits[n, base]; {FromDigits[Join[Most[s], Reverse[s]], base], FromDigits[Join[s, Reverse[s]], base]}, {n, nn}]; pal = Sort[Flatten[pal]]; t = {}; Do[If[x < y && GCD[x, y] == 1 && PerfectSquareQ[x^2 + y^2], z = Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]; s = IntegerDigits[z, base]; If[z <= pal[[-1]] && s == Reverse[s], AppendTo[t, {x, y, z}]]], {x, pal}, {y, pal}]; t = Sort[t, #1[[3]] < #2[[3]] &]
T. D. Noe, Apr 15 2015