
Number of ways to pair up {1^4, 2^4, ..., (2n)^4 } so the sum of each of the n pairs is prime.

1, 2, 2, 8, 12, 0, 12, 66, 150, 1374, 1860, 7076, 45352, 108230, 584842, 1583588, 7315594, 15166764, 129815288, 355293847, 3666243914, 16101936060, 106436359512, 444520484248, 2607800523879



It appears that s(6) is the only zero term. If eighth powers are used instead, then s(1) = 1 and then the terms up to s(35) are zero.

T. D. Noe, Plot of 25 terms

(Mma) Permanent[m_List] := With[{v = Array[x, Length[m]]}, Coefficient[Times @@ (m.v), Times @@ v]]; Table[m = Table[If[PrimeQ[(2*i)^4 + (2*j-1)^4], 1, 0], {i, n}, {j, n}]; Permanent[m], {n, 15}]

Cf. A000348.


T. D. Noe, May 06 2015

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