Position of the last occurrence of n digits in the number Pi that do not occur earlier.
1, 33, 606, 8554, 99847, 1369561, 14118308
For instance, the single digit “0” does not occur until the 33rd digit of Pi; the two digits “68” finally occur starting at position 606 in Pi; the three digits “483” finally appear starting at position 8554 in Pi. It is unknown whether the n-th term exists for all n.
T. D. Noe, Plot of 7 terms
(Mma) d = RealDigits[Pi, 10, 200000][[1]]; Table[nn = 10^pow; found = 0; cnt = Table[0, {nn}]; n = 0; While[found < nn, n++; q = FromDigits[Take[d, {n, n + pow - 1}]]; If[cnt[[q + 1]] == 0, cnt[[q + 1]] = 1; found++]]; n, {pow, 0, 4}]
T. D. Noe, Jul 20 2015