Lucas(n) for the numbers n in S000727.
18, 5778, 1860498, 599074578, 2537720636, 192900153618, 62113250390418, 4721424167835364, 20000273725560978, 6440026026380244498, 2073668380220713167378, 8784200221406821330636, 667714778405043259651218, 215002084978043708894524818
T. D. Noe, Plot of 104 terms
T. D. Noe, Table of 104 terms
Blair Kelly, Fibonacci and Lucas Factorizations
(Mma) (* using the t computed in S000727 *) LucasL[t]
Cf. A074726, A074316, S000727, S000729.
T. D. Noe, Oct 23 2015