Number of numbers between prime(n)^4 and prime(n+1)^4 that are not the sum of distinct fourth powers of primes.
64, 542, 1772, 12232, 13904, 54928, 46736, 149392, 427184, 216040, 949584, 950544, 591768, 1457228, 3001408, 4208676, 1719990, 6257564, 5206599, 2947078, 10359503, 8280234, 14699627, 24261852, 14278817, 7703597, 16516788, 8816301, 18664562, 76436213
After the 135th term, all terms are zero. The maximum number of terms appears at the 99th term, representing the numbers between the primes 523 and 541.
T. D. Noe, Plot of 136 terms
T. D. Noe, Table of 136 terms
Wikipedia, Waring–Goldbach problem
Cf. S001072.
T. D. Noe, Oct 02 2017