The number at which a prime in S000603 first becomes “popular".
2, 12, 80, 196, 1638, 4864, 22425, 46500, 109779, 158625, 603564, 2552416, 2620142, 2627250, 41163747, 237398795, 1966466950, 13690729828, 64322158656, 79838739611, 220355987735, 232268774850, 618745972214, 1882062476406, 9607713772982, 19364051829855
See S000603 for the primes.
T. D. Noe, Plot of 36 terms
T. D. Noe, Table of 36 terms
Nathan McNew, Popular values of the largest prime divisor function, arXiv 1504.05985 (Apr 22 2015)
Eric W. Weisstein, MathWorld: Greatest Prime Factor
(Mma) mx = 200; t4 = Table[0, {mx}]; lastMx = 0; t = {}; Do[f = FactorInteger[n][[-1, 1]]; If[f <= mx, t4[[f]]++]; mxValue = Max[t4]; pos = Position[t4, mxValue, 1, 1][[1, 1]]; If[pos > lastMx, lastMx = pos; AppendTo[t, {pos, n}]], {n, 2, 10^6}]; Transpose[t][[2]]
Cf. S000603.
T. D. Noe, Apr 24 2015