Irregular table of numbers beginning prime(n)^2 consecutive numbers whose squares sum to square.
25, 244, 30, 510, 20, 140, 199, 287, 433, 724, 1595, 358, 722, 2534, 255, 309, 897, 2649, 5565, 1678, 2522, 14314, 3, 234, 462, 987, 1434, 1917, 3363, 4326, 9138, 18759, 1352, 1904, 7120, 12328, 38360, 117, 807, 1161, 3351, 5037, 7563, 10929, 28593, 58029
The length of each row in given in S000606. Sequences of this type having prime(n)^2 terms are all finite. Sequences S000277-S000283 are examples of infinite sequences of this type.
T. D. Noe, Plot of rows 4 to 25
T. D. Noe, Table of rows 4 to 25
(Mma) Table[Select[Range[2000000], PerfectSquareQ[g[#, # + p^2 - 1]] &], {p, Prime[Range[4, 25]]}]
Cf. A001032, S000277-S000283, S000606.
T. D. Noe, Apr 27 2015